Online Roulette Tips And Strategies
Roulette is one of the world’s oldest yet extremely popular casino game. The game originated in France but has now become famous across the globe at land-based and real money casinos. It is a game more like a gamble that is packed with thrill and immense excitement. This game is characterized by a spinning wheel that is divided into slots or pockets, which alternates between black and red colours. Players bet on the slot/ pocket where they assume the ball to land.
The game starts when the croupier spins the wheel in one direction and spins the ball in the exact opposite direction. When the rolling metal ball loses its pace, it lands onto a random coloured or numbered pocket in the wheel’s bowl through a deflector.
The bet can be placed on either a single number, group of numbers, colours on the roulette wheel like red or black, odd or even numbers, high number pockets ranging from 19-36 or low number pockets ranging from 0-18.
Anyone can try their hands in this game, all you need to do is grasp some basic terms, tips, and strategies. Terms will help you understand the game’s basics thoroughly, online roulette tips will help you play in a better way whereas roulette strategies can help you master the game in your way to major wins.
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How to Win at Roulette: Important Roulette Terms That Every Player Should Know
A croupier, also called Dealer, is the person in charge of the table. The basic responsibilities of the dealer included spinning the wheel, handling the tokens, and handling the cash.
Roulette Chips
The bet is made using the roulette chips. Each player gets a different colour of chips so that it is easier for the croupier to keep track of the player, bets, and related transactions. Roulette chips do not have any inherent value or denomination imprinted on them. Once the game ends, these roulette chips are exchanged with cash chips which are also in various colours and denominations like $1, $5 or $100, and so on.
Inside Bets
This refers to the bets made on the individual numbers or a small range of numbers. In this, the player places the wager in the inner layout of the roulette table. The chances of winning are less but the payouts are charming.
Outside Bets
This refers to placing the wager on the outer part of the table covering a larger section.
American and European Roulette
As this game has eventually grown and gained popularity in casinos across the world, it is played slightly differently in American and European countries. The European roulette has a single zero while the American roulette wheel has double zeros. The single zero in the European table diminishes the profit edge of the house considerably while 00 hurt the chances of the gamblers to win big.
En Prison
This is a rule applicable to the even-money wagers. According to this rule, if zero hits, the wager is allowed to be taken or imprison half the bet. If the zero hits again, the complete bet is lost.
Online Roulette Strategies
Here are some of the best ways to win at roulette:
The Martingale System
This roulette tactic involves increasing or doubling the amount of your bet after every lost spin. The idea is that when you win gradually, the entire lost money can be recovered at once and you may then rebid with the same initial amount.
- Steps To Follow When Betting:
- Begin small, so that the lost bets can be easily doubled.
- In the case of a win, either draw the amount or bet with the small wager again or simply walk out.
- If you lose a bet, double the wager and place it on the same bet. For instance, if you lost $2 on red, bet now with $4 on red only. Repeat the process.
The Reverse Martingale Strategy
As the name implies, this system works exactly opposite to the Martingale Theory. The idea here is to double or increase the win bets whereas lower the amount after each lost bet. This strategy works well if you want to minimize your losses.
- Steps To Follow When Betting:
- Keep betting on the same spot until and unless you convert it into a win.
- If you win, double the betting amount.
- If you lose, reduce the betting amount and try getting back to the original amount. This will help you to minimize your losses.
The D’Alembert Strategy
It is considered to be a much safer way as compared to the above two. This strategy requires the player to increase the lost bet by 1 and then bet again instead of doubling. In the case of a win, decrease the bet by 1. So, it can be said that this system involves alternatively increasing or decreasing the betting amount by one unit.
- Steps To Follow When Betting:
- Start by placing the wager at either black, red, or odd, even or in between 1-18, 19-36.
- Increase your bet by a unit if you lose, decrease it by one if you win.
- Eventually, if you notice that the number of wins is the same as the number of losses. Gather what you have earned and walk away.
The Fibonacci Roulette System
The Fibonacci Series refers to a special sequence of numbers. It was developed in the 19th century by Leonardo of Pisa. The pattern this series follows is to add the previous two numbers to obtain the preceding one. For example, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. When it comes to roulette, the idea is to bet with the total amount of the previous 2 bets.
- Steps To Follow When Betting:
- Begin with a small bet.
- For instance, if you begin betting with $1 and if you lose, bet again with $1. If you lose again, bet with $2 and so on.
- In the case of a win, move back by two numbers and use it as the betting amount.
The James Bond Theory
This is by far the most simplified strategy but requires a huge amount of money to implement. Let's take $200 as an example. This amount has to be divided under the following 3 heads-
- Spend or bet $140 on the numbers ranging from 19-36 (high numbers)
- Keep $50 for these 6 numbers ranging from 13 to 18.
- Keep $10 as insurance on a zero.
It involves great risk, you may end up winning a fortune if luck is in your favour or losing the entire $200 in a go.
Just keep it fun, keep it entertaining, and keep it affordable.